Projekt / project
Vom 18. - 29.08.2017 trafen sich 20 junge Musiker_innen aus Kurdistan
(Türkei) und Deutschland. Sie machten zusammen Musik, brachten sich
gegenseitig ihnen bis dahin fremde Instrumente näher, setzten sich mit
Aspekten von Musikerziehung und Kulturförderung auseinander. Sie
reflektierten das eigene musikalische Schaffen und setzten sich damit
auseinander, wie weit Musik ein Beitrag zur gesellschaftlichen
Weiterentwicklung sein kann. Ein weiteres wesentliches Element des
Projektes war es, das Thema "Durchhalten" musikalisch zu bearbeiten. Die
Ergebnisse wurden auf diesem Blog online veröffentlicht und sollen
andere Menschen dazu anregen sich mit den Gedanken und Aussagen der
Stücke, den Zitaten und Gedanken, auseinander zu setzen. Auf einem
abschließenden Konzert wurden die Ergebnisse in Hannover live vor ca.
250 Gästen präsentiert. Der Austausch fand in Hannover und in der
Kulturherberge bei Hildesheim statt.
From the 18 - 29.08.2017 20 young musicians from Kurdistan (Turkey) and Germany met. They played music together. They introduced to each other so far unknown instruments. They dealed with aspects of music education and how culture is supported in Hanover. They reflected their own activities as musicians and discussed the extent to which music can contribute to the development of society. A further essential element of the project was to work on the subject of "perseverance". The results of this creative work got published online on this project-blog. The goal of the blog is to encourage other people to deal with the thoughts and statements of the created Music, the collected Statements and quotes. The results were presented live on a final concert in Hannover in front of 250 guests. The venues were Hanover and a seminar house in the country-side.
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From the 18 - 29.08.2017 20 young musicians from Kurdistan (Turkey) and Germany met. They played music together. They introduced to each other so far unknown instruments. They dealed with aspects of music education and how culture is supported in Hanover. They reflected their own activities as musicians and discussed the extent to which music can contribute to the development of society. A further essential element of the project was to work on the subject of "perseverance". The results of this creative work got published online on this project-blog. The goal of the blog is to encourage other people to deal with the thoughts and statements of the created Music, the collected Statements and quotes. The results were presented live on a final concert in Hannover in front of 250 guests. The venues were Hanover and a seminar house in the country-side.
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